Emma Roy - A Time Outside of Time

“When it’s working ritual is not in the least bit boring or stupid. its emotionally exciting and intellectually fascinating. I produces ecstatic states of consciousness, provides purpose and drives commitment to action. It ends alienation and creates experiences of wonderment. I think of a spectacular concert or a dramatic protest rally for what modern ritual should be.” - David Chapman 

Emma Roy takes us on a full exploration of Zen ritual from its decidedly non supernatural intentions to it’s full ecstatic and world defining effects. Specifically she takes us on a close reading of the short well being chant, Enmei Juku Kannon Gyo, to see how it’s seaming invocation of a mythical Bodhisattva of compassion is more accurately an active awakening of our own true selves. Along the way Emma treated us to a full playlist of contemporary ecstatic sutras by the great Bodhisttvas Stevie Wonder, Joan Jett, and more as we compare rituals both mystically ancient and thoroughly modern.